مجموعة وظائف شاغرة للعمل لدى جمعية بيادر للبيئة والتنمية

الصفحة الرئيسية


1- مطلوب متدرب/ة (اعلامي) - جمعية بيادر للبيئة والتنمية

جمعية بيادر للبيئة والتنمية (بيادر)، هي مؤسسة غير حكومة غير ربحية تم تأسيسها بمحافظة خانيونس في مارس 2007، بهدف تنمية القطاعات المختلفة للمجتمع الفلسطيني، حيث تعمل بيادر في قطاعات المرأة والطفولة، التمكين الاقتصادي، الأمن الغذائي، التنمية المجتمعية والاستجابة للطوارئ والإنعاش المبكر.

تنفذ جمعية بيادر للبيئة والتنمية بالشراكة مع الإغاثة الإسلامية- مكتب فلسطين برنامج رعاية الأيتام، بتمويل كريم من الإغاثة الإسلامية حول العالم، حيث تم عقد شراكة مع جمعية بيادر للبيئة والتنمية على أن تكون هي ممثل الإغاثة الإسلامية في محافظة خانيونس لتنفيذ البرنامج، ويهدف البرنامج إلى تحسين الصحة والتغذية والتعليم والرفاهية العقلية والبدنية للأيتام المستهدفين وتعزيز نوعية الحياة والرفاهية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية لأسرهم.

تُعلن جمعية بيادر للبيئة والتنمية عن رغبتها في توظيف متدرب/ة (اعلامي)، وفقا للمعلومات التالية:

  • المسمى الوظيفي: متدرب/ة (اعلامي).
  • مكان العمل: محافظة خانيونس.
  • المسؤول المباشر: منسق المشروع.
  • مدة العقد: 6 شهور.   
  • مكان العمل: جمعية بيادر للبيئة والتنمية- خانيونس.
  • نوع العقد: دوام كلي - عقد متدرب محدد المدة.
  • عدد الشواغر المتاحة: 1

المهام والمسئوليات الرئيسية:

  1. العمل على تطوير وإنتاج المحتوى المرئي والصوتي لصفحات التواصل الاجتماعي للجمعية.
  2. التعاون مع المشاريع المنفذة في جمعية بيادر للبيئة والتنمية لتصوير وتوثيق الأنشطة والفعاليات التي تنفذها الجمعية.
  3. المساهمة في إعداد التقارير والمواد الإعلامية الخاصة بالمشروع والجمعية.
  4. المحافظة على أرشيف المواد الإعلامية المنتجة (الصور ومقاطع الفيديو).
  5. التصوير الفوتوغرافي وتسجيل مقاطع الفيديو للأنشطة والفعاليات المختلفة للمشروعات والبرامج التي تنفذها جمعية بيادر.
  6. تصوير الأيتام المستفيدين من برنامج رعاية الأيتام خلال الزيارات الدورية وتوثيق قصص نجاحهم وتأثير البرنامج على حياتهم.
  7. تحرير ومونتاج الصور ومقاطع الفيديو بجودة عالية وتنسيقها للنشر على المنصات الإعلامية المختلفة.
  8. اعداد تقارير العمل الدورية وتسليمها للمسؤول المباشر.
  9. المشاركة في التدريبات واللقاءات، والاجتماعات المرتبطة بعمل البرنامج.
  10. القيام بأعمال إدارية أخرى ذات صلة بالوظيفة حسب توجيهات المسؤول المباشر.

المؤهلات، والخبرات المطلوبة:

  1. بكالوريس في تخصص الإعلام او أي تخصص ذو صلة من جامعة معترف به وبتقدير جيد علي الاقل.
  2. خبرة في إعداد وكتابة المحتوي الإعلامي الخاص بمنصات التواصل الاجتماعي.
  3. خبرة في مجال العمل الإعلامي والتصوير، والتعامل مع المجتمع المحلي لمدة لا تقل عن 6 شهور.
  4. القدرة على التنقل الميداني، وتنفيذ الزيارات المنزلية في إطار محافظة خانيونس.
  5. معرفة جيدة في برامج التصميم والمونتاج.
  6. القدرة على العمل تحت الضغط والالتزام بمواعيد العمل.
  7. امتلاك مهارة إدارة الوقت ومهارات الاتصال الفعال والتواصل.

شروط خاصة:

  1. أن يكون المتقدم حديث التخرج ولم يمضي على تخرجه أكثر من 3 أعوام.
  2. ألا يتجاوز عمر المتقدم 30 عام كحد أقصي.
  3. أن يكون المتقدم للشاغر من سكان محافظة خانيونس.

آلية التقديم

طريقة التقدم للوظيفة:

على من يجد في نفسها الكفاءة المطلوبة تعبئة الطلب وتقديم السيرة الذاتية في الرابط التالي:

رابط طلب التقدم للوظيفة

  • آخر موعد لاستلام الطلبات يوم السبت الموافق 03 يونيو 2023 الساعة 4:00 مساءاً، ولن تقبل أي طلبات بعد هذا الموعد.
  • سيتم الاتصال بقائمة مختصرة للمرشحين المستوفون للشروط.
  • تدعم جمعية بيادر مبدأ تكافؤ الفرص حيث يتم النظر في جميع طلبات المتقدمين للتوظيف دون الاهتمام بالعرق أو اللون أو الدين أو الجنس أو حالة الإعاقة ,و تشجع جمعية بيادر النساء والأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة وغيرهم من الفئات المهمشة على التقديم والسعي للحصول على فرصة عمل جيدة في بيئة جمعية بيادر للبيئة والتنمية.
  • سيتم الاتصال فقط على قائمة المرشحين المختصرة.
  • تلتزم جمعية بيادر في عملها بحماية وصون جميع الأشخاص بما في ذلك الأطفال / البالغين و الضعفاء. سنقوم بكل ما في وسعنا لضمان توظيف الأشخاص المناسبين للعمل لدينا فقط. 

2- Project Accountant - Bayader


Bayader for Environment & Development (Bayader) is a non-governmental organization established in 2007 aiming to develop the Palestinian community and society in Women and Childhood, Food Security, Economic Empowerment, Community Development and emergency response & early recovery. Bayader is working in the field of community initiatives mainly in non-profit activities with community. For further information about Bayader, please visit: www.bayader.ps.

Bayader is recruiting candidates for the following position: 

Project Accountant (PA)

  • Position Title: Project Accountant (PA), Part Time (12 Hrs. per week)
  • Number of available Positions: 1
  • Place: Bayader Office, Khan Younis
  • Direct Report: Executive Director (ED)
  • Expected Start Date: June 2023
  • Expected Duration: 11 Months

YEP Project Background:

For the cooperation program between European Union Delegation EUDEL and Belgium; Enabel - Belgian development agency is responsible for implementing the project of “Youth Economic Empowerment in Palestine (YEP) as part of the EU-funded Youth Empowerment Program, title of the action within his project is Youth Economic Empowerment in southern area of Gaza Strip”. The general objective of the action will be enhance resilience of the most vulnerable youth and young women by supporting them to develop sustainable micro- or small businesses that are viable in their local economies. The general objective of this action is to enhance resilience of the most vulnerable youth and young women by supporting them to develop sustainable micro- or small businesses that are viable in their local economies. The specific objective of this action is to ensure that young women and men are better equipped to access self-employment opportunities.

In partnership with Enabel, Bayader is responsible to achieve the following result: Empowered vulnerable women and youth for establishing sustainable and resilient micro businesses. Under this result YEP project will support the creation of viable and economically feasible livelihood microbusinesses through providing capacity building, skills enhancement, seed funding, coaching, and mentoring to vulnerable and marginalized women and youth following the community-based and sustainable livelihood approach.

Bayader is implementing project activities related to the livelihood component in the middle, Khan Younis, and Rafah governorates.

Job Summary:

Under the supervision of the Acting Financial manager at Bayader, the Project Accountant (PA) is responsible for the preparation of clear, thorough, accurate and correct accounting documents in compliance with all Bayader and International Partners NGOs accounting and financial procedures and policies through the use of computer software applications.  

Responsibilities and Duties:

  1. Managing the project budget-by-budget formulation, controlling allocations, monitoring expenditures, and preparing revisions according to the needs of the projects;
  2. Recording and Bookkeeping of financial transactions includes payments, receipts and other journal entries;
  3. Prepare payment requests and get the needed approvals. This entails control of supporting documentation for vouchers/invoices and checking for correctness of expenditure lines and budget project codes against which the payment requests are issued;
  4. Timely and accurate preparation of financial reports, in compliance with the financial obligations stated in the signed partnership agreement;
  5. Work closely with the Project Coordinator (budget holder) and under financial supervision of acting financial manager, for budget follow up, proposed budget reallocations, cash forecast and other issues related to purchases.
  6. Maintain up to date archiving system for the financial reports, and staff work contracts. (both soft and hard copies);
  7. Prepare Monthly Cash flow forecasts and the bank reconciliation;
  8. Ensures the effective recording and reporting system, internal control and audit follow-up and processes administrative and financial transactions in an accurate and timely way;
  9. Ability to handle different budget formats including matching activities with actual expenses alongside with vouchers and other supporting documents;
  10. Perform any other financial tasks that could be required.
  11. Other duties and tasks related to the project.

Academic and Professional Qualifications and Experience:

  1. Bachelor degree in Accounting, or other relevant filed with at least good grade ;
  2. Minimum 3 years’ relevant experience in similar position;
  3. Minimum 1 year experience working with local NGOs;
  4. Knowledge of MS Office, particularly Excel;
  5. Experience in using the accounting system (Golden Asseal );
  6. Excellent reporting and formal writing skills in both English & Arabic;
  7. Ability to prepare financial plans and financial analysis;
  8. Ability to work under pressure and within a team;
  9. Able to work under pressure and able to work within a team.


Qualified candidates are encouraged to submit an application online HERE

  • Deadline for submitting applications Sunday 4/6/2023 no later than 16:00 PM.
  • Bayader is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, or disability status.
  • Women, people with disabilities, and other underrepresented populations are encouraged to apply and to seek Bayader for Environment & Development support on the application process where additional accommodation is required.
  • At Bayader, we are committed to the safeguarding and protection of all people including children/ vulnerable adults our work. We will do everything possible to ensure that only those who are suitable to work are recruited to work for us. This post is subject to a range of vetting checks including a criminal records disclosure.
  • Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. 

3- Business Development Officer (BDO - Bayader


Bayader for Environment & Development (Bayader) is a non-governmental organization established in 2007 aiming to develop the Palestinian community and society in Women and Childhood, Food Security, Economic Empowerment, Community Development and emergency response & early recovery. Bayader is working in the field of community initiatives mainly in non-profit activities with community. For further information about Bayader, please visit: www.bayader.ps.
Bayader is recruiting candidates for the following position: 
  • Business Development Officer (BDO)
  • Position Title: Business Development Officer (BDO) – Full Time (40 Hrs. per week)
  • Number of available Positions: 1
  • Place: Bayader Office, Khan Younis
  • Direct Report: Executive Director (ED)
  • Expected Start Date: June 2023
  • Expected Duration: 11 Months

YEP Project Background:

For the cooperation program between European Union Delegation EUDEL and Belgium; Enabel - Belgian development agency is responsible for implementing the project of “Youth Economic Empowerment in Palestine (YEP) as part of the EU-funded Youth Empowerment Program, title of the action within his project is Youth Economic Empowerment in southern area of Gaza Strip”. The general objective of the action will be enhance resilience of the most vulnerable youth and young women by supporting them to develop sustainable micro- or small businesses that are viable in their local economies. The general objective of this action is to enhance resilience of the most vulnerable youth and young women by supporting them to develop sustainable micro- or small businesses that are viable in their local economies. The specific objective of this action is to ensure that young women and men are better equipped to access self-employment opportunities.
In partnership with Enabel, Bayader is responsible to achieve the following result: Empowered vulnerable women and youth for establishing sustainable and resilient micro businesses. Under this result YEP project will support the creation of viable and economically feasible livelihood microbusinesses through providing capacity building, skills enhancement, seed funding, coaching, and mentoring to vulnerable and marginalized women and youth following the community-based and sustainable livelihood approach.
Bayader is implementing project activities related to the livelihood component in the middle, Khan Younis, and Rafah governorates.

Job Summary:

Under the supervision of the Executive Director at Bayader, the Business Development Officer (BDO) will be fully responsible for the overall successful project management including efficient, effective and timely planning and completion of activities, achievement of outputs and outcomes within the constraints of scope, time, and budget.  

Responsibilities and Duties:

  1. Representing the project to the local community and stakeholders.
  2. Coordination and cooperation with the donor of the project to implement the project activities.
  3. Supervise the implementation of the project activities in coordination with the project team "business development specialists", following up on the daily work of the project activities in order to ensure that the work is completed in a systematic manner and in accordance with the plans and quality of the project.
  4. Plan, review and approve timeline plans to implement project activities.
  5. Supervise the activities of collecting and analyzing data and studies to identify and define the most vulnerable communities in the targeted areas and identify the needs of the communities.
  6. Supervise the activities to identify promising economic sectors at the community level in the target communities and identify potential livelihood opportunities.
  7. Supervise the implementation of community mobilization, communication and awareness activities.
  8. With the full support of the project team, developing and updating selection criteria and registration system for selecting project beneficiaries.
  9. Supervise verification activities for project applicants to identify potential project beneficiaries.
  10. Supervise, follow up and monitor the process of selecting the beneficiaries who will participate in the small business development training.
  11. Supervise, plan and coordinate the activities of building the capacity of beneficiaries.
  12. Supervise the development of training curricula, including materials, manuals, tools and models that will be used in the capacity building program for project beneficiaries.
  13. Overseeing training activities on life skills and small business management and developing effective action plans for project beneficiaries.
  14. Follow up and monitor the evaluation of the submitted business plans and the selection of financial grant recipients.
  15. Supervise the field verification activities of grant recipients to ensure receipt of grant financial installments, effective and optimal use of the financial support, and their conformity with the approved business plan and collecting supporting documents.
  16. Supervise and follow up the activities of coaching, mentoring and counseling for the beneficiaries.
  17. Supervise and support the implementation of monitoring, evaluation, learning and accountability activities.
  18. Perform any others tasks requested by ED related to the project.
Documentation, Learning and Reporting
  • Ensuring timely submission of complete, accurate reports.
  • Documenting project activities, best practices, lessons learned and success stories.
  • Support prepare narrative reports.

Academic and Professional Qualifications and Experience:

  1. Bachelor university degree in relevant specialization like business administration, engineering, sustainable development, or a relevant field with at least grade good.
  2. Master degree will be assets.
  3. 4 years of directly related experience in similar position in the fields of development context, economic empowerment, livelihood and entrepreneurship projects.
  4. 2 years of experiences working with INGOs or local NGOs.
  5. High competency in project management, including the ability to apply the right project tools and techniques (management science).
  6. High interpersonal skills (management art) including but not limited to team building, communications, problem solving, facilitation, etc.
  7. Extensive experience in capacity building, planning and implementing micro-business management trainings/workshops targeting vulnerable youth and women in vulnerable communities.
  8. Considerable knowledge of sound business procedures including business planning and marketing.
  9. Good knowledge of potential market linkages.
  10. Understanding of financing options for business start-ups and business expansions.
  11. Sound experience in skills development/community development or related fields.
  12. Strong knowledge in the social/ cultural and economic context of Gaza.

Other requirements:

  1. Excellent English verbal and written communication skills.
  2. Advanced skills in using office package as (MS Word, MS Project, PowerPoint, Excel).
  3. Strong team play and collaboration skills.
  4. Effective negotiation and representation skills.
  5. Monitoring & Evaluation in the business sphere and gender experience are two added pluses.


Qualified candidates are encouraged to submit an application online HERE
  • Deadline for submitting applications Sunday 4/6/2023 no later than 16:00 PM.
  • Bayader is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, or disability status.
  • Women, people with disabilities, and other underrepresented populations are encouraged to apply and to seek Bayader for Environment & Development support on the application process where additional accommodation is required.
  • At Bayader, we are committed to the safeguarding and protection of all people including children/ vulnerable adults our work. We will do everything possible to ensure that only those who are suitable to work are recruited to work for us. This post is subject to a range of vetting checks including a criminal records disclosure.
  • Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
